
HS CODE: 17031000

We are suppliers of Organic Sugarcane molasses extracted using centrifugal machine in processing of Sugar. With a unique and opulent flavour, molasses can serve as a cost-effective substitute for highly-refined sugar and other Sugar based syrups. Molasses supplied by us is rich, viscous and high on vitamins & minerals widely used in various industries.

 Benefits of Molasses:

  • High nutritional value as compared to sugar
  • Enhances flavour
  • Low Cost
  • Improves animal’s feed intake & palatability
  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Improves Milk yield in dairy.


Material Safety Data Sheet


TRS (Total Reducing Order),44% MAX|BRIX,85% MIN|ASH,8.6|PH as Such,5.68|Gravity,1.42